Data Visualizations for Evaluation

What is the point?

Stephanie Evergreen video  

Effective data visualization in evaluation begins with asking “What’s your point?”(WYP; Evergreen, 2016). The purpose of this website is to help fellow students who are learning to be effective evaluators understand the purpose of asking WYP in the use of data visualization in evaluation, and to understanding how to use this frame of thinking to effectively visualize data. Moreover the website provides links to external resources that the students can explore and learn about the data visualization methods and tools to effective present their data.

Examples that have been illustrated in the presentation are based on thinking how to use the data visualization methods techniques as they apply to the CDC framework. Website provides external links to resources that could not be covered in the presentation and acts as a hub to keep adding more information as it becomes available.

Class Presentation.pdf

Data visualizations – Drawing Actionable Insights from Data

A video by Robin Wagner who works with CDC office public health.

Engaging Stakeholders:

Assessment report.pdf

Levels by location

Describe the program:

Logic models.pdf

Focus the Evaluation Design:

Concept mapping

Logic model for TTURC-1 Evaluation

Gather Credible Evidence:

Inter-rater reliability

Reliability and validity

Justifying Conclusions:

Meeting Targets

Ensuring Use and Sharing Lessons Learned:

Strategies for Dissemination.pdf