Math 1131 Q Fall 2024

Course communication: Much of the communication for this course will occur online, via HuskyCT, email, and/or this page. Please monitor this page, course HuskyCT announcements, and your UConn email regularly for updates related to MATH 1131Q. However, you are also expected to be in class every day to receive important communications there, and to contact a classmate, or your instructor or TA, if you miss class to make sure you have not missed important course information.

Time Zone: All times for due dates, online and in-person classes, office hours, etc., in this course are given in US Eastern Time.

Description: This course is an introduction to differential and integral calculus, which is the mathematical language used in any science concerned with dynamically changing quantities. The main topics it covers are limits, derivatives, integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and some basic applications of these ideas.

Prerequisites: A qualifying score of 22 on the mathematics placement exam (MPE). Students who fail to achieve this minimum score are required to spend time on the preparatory and learning modules before re-taking the MPE, or to register for a lower level Mathematics course. Not open for credit to students who have passed MATH 1132Q or 1152Q.

Face Coverings: To ensure a safe learning environment, masks/face coverings are always welcome in classrooms and indoor spaces, and are strongly recommended if you have any symptoms of respiratory illness. Please join us in welcoming your peers and instructors to wear face coverings properly in the classroom.


The textbook for the course is Calculus Early Transcendentals, Single Variable by James Stewart (8th Edition), which is bundled with a WebAssign code for doing online homework.

This course is part of the campus’ course material delivery program. If you do not opt out of the Husky Book Bundle, the digital required materials for this course have been integrated with Blackboard and can be found in the Course Materials link in your Blackboard course. Please sign into Blackboard to access your course and course materials.

If you opt out of the Husky Book Bundle, you only need to buy ONE of the three textbook/WebAssign bundles listed at the bookstore, OR a 1-term Cengage Unlimited Subscription; your choice will depend on what math classes you plan to take in the future. Below is a PDF detailing your different options for buying the textbook and WebAssign online homework access:

Math 1131 Textbook Purchasing Instructions for students who opt out of Husky Book Bundle.pdf

NOTE: the least expensive way to get WebAssign access for all courses (MATH 1131Q, 1132Q. 2110Q, and 2410Q) in the Calculus sequence is to purchase a $125, 1-term Cengage Unlimited subscription online, directly from WebAssign, at the start of the term. This will give you access to all four courses and corresponding eBooks whenever you take them, even after the 1-term subscription expires. The only downside to this is that you do not get any physical textbook(s) included with it, or any textbook to keep for reference when you are not actively enrolled in one of the above courses..

Calculators: The use of calculators is NOT allowed on quizzes or exams.

Course Objectives:

Successful completion of this course will require you to learn to:

  1. Apply fundamental algebra skills to calculus problems.
  2. Use common techniques to evaluate limits, and connect limits to derivatives.
  3. Interpret derivatives as rates of change.
  4. Combine ideas from algebra and trigonometry with knowledge of limits and derivatives to recognize features of the graph of a function.
  5. Use derivatives to describe the features of a function and its graph, including maximum and minimum values and where they occur.
  6. Identify applications of differential and integral calculus, and explain how calculus can be used in these applications.
  7. Apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the substitution rule to evaluate definite and indefinite integrals.
  8. Demonstrate how integrals are connected to the area under the graph of a function.



Discussion sessions will be offered during your scheduled Discussion Section time. Active participation in these sessions is designed to help you with the course material, worksheets, and WebAssign homework. These sessions are also where you will take your Quizzes, so please plan to attend and participate regularly.

NOTE: It is important for you to stay home if you are feeling ill. Please contact your TA and instructor ASAP via email if you need to miss a discussion section due to illness or other personal reasons.

    WebAssign Online Homework:

    Homework: You will have a WebAssign online homework assignment due for each covered section of the text.  You will need to access WebAssign via the link in your HuskyCT lecture section. Each assignment will be made available on WebAssign before the section is covered in class. The due date for each assignment will be set by your instructor.

    You will get five attempts for each question that is not multiple-choice and fewer than five attempts for each multiple-choice question; the exact number of attempts will depend on the number of choices. After each attempt, you will be told whether your answer is correct or not. If you are not able to get the correct answer after your initial attempts, we recommend that you seek help from your peers, your TA or instructor via office hours, Calc Night, Weekly Problem Sessions, the Q-Center, a tutor, or another student before attempting to answer the problem again.

    Automatic WebAssign Extensions: For each assignment, you can request an automatic 24-hour extension without penalty, as long as you request within 48 hours after the original due date. WebAssign will allow you to do this twice per assignment without penalty. However, the latest date you can extend is 72 hours (3 days) after the assignment’s original due date. To request an automatic extension, after the assignment due date, go to WebAssign > My Assignments > Past Assignments, and click the “Request Extension” button for the assignment you missed. Please note the new due date that WebAssign gives you when you do this.

    Warning: When accessing your online homework, use Firefox or Chrome as your browser; there are problems that can occur if you use Internet Explorer or Safari. Please use this WebAssign Tips.pdf document for help with accessing WebAssign and entering your answers correctly.

    Your lowest WebAssign score will be dropped from your grade at the end of the semester.


    There will be 7 worksheets in total.  You will have access to the worksheets in Husky CT. These worksheets will be submitted through Gradescope.


    Participation will make up 5% of your course grade. You will have opportunities to earn this grade by doing simple tasks that will be explained in the class.


    • There will be 7 total quizzes in your Monday discussion class. You will have 10 minutes for each quiz.
    • The use of calculators IS NOT allowed on quizzes.

        Make-Up Policy

        It is important for you to stay home if you are feeling ill. Please contact your TA and instructor ASAP via email if you need to miss a discussion section due to illness or other personal reasons, and plan to attach to your email any work that is due that day. If you are missing a quiz or exam due to illness or other personal reasons, please include in your email your available times for a make-up quiz or exam over the next few days.

        A student is allowed to make up a Quiz or Exam only if there is a personal/family/medical emergency. You must contact your TA and lecture instructor ASAP if you know that you will miss a Quiz or Exam. You will not be able to make up a missed Quiz or Exam if you do not contact your instructor within 24 hours after returning to classes at UConn following your illness or emergency. Athletes who travel on behalf of the university must provide a letter/email from their athletic advisor in order to be allowed to take a make-up Quiz or Exam.

        In case of a missed assignment, quiz, or exam please make every effort to contact your instructor as soon as you know you will miss it, and no later than 24 hours after the missed assessment or due date.

        Per University policy, all requests to reschedule or make up the Final Exam must be submitted to the Dean of Students for approval. Please note that vacations, previously purchased tickets or reservations, social events, misreading the exam schedule and over-sleeping are not viable excuses for missing a final exam. If you think that your situation warrants permission to reschedule, please contact the Dean of Students Office with any questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

          Exam information

          There will be three in-class Exams and a Final Exam. Exams 1-3 will be administered during your scheduled discussion section time on Monday of the 5th, 9th, and 13th weeks of the semester. Please put these dates in your calendar – you are expected to be in attendance.

          The Final Exam will be during the week of December 9th, during your scheduled Final Exam period; the exact date and time will be scheduled by the University and will be shared under the Exam Info tab above once it is known.

          Each of Exams 1-3 will primarily cover material from the 3-4 weeks before the exam; the Final Exam will be cumulative. Please check the outline for the specific topics that are covered on each exam.


          Online Homework     WebAssign   10%
          Participation     As indicated in the class 5%
          Worksheet  Submitted in Gradescope through Husky CT 10%
          Quizzes     Take in Discussion on Mondays   10%
          Exam 1: Monday, Week 5     Discussion   15%
          Exam 2: Monday, Week 9     Discussion   15%
          Exam 3: Monday, Week 13     Discussion   15%
          Final Exam: Week of December 9th     See Student Admin for date, time, and location information 20%

          Grading Scale:

          Final Percentage Letter Grade
          93 -100 A
          90.00-92.99 A-
          87.00-89.99 B+
          83.00-86.99 B
          80.00-82.99 B-
          77.00-79.99 C+
          73.00-76.99 C
          70.00-72.99 C-
          67.00-69.99 D+
          63.00-66.99 D
          60.00-62.99 D-
          <60 F

          Academic Integrity/Misconduct

          This course expects all students to act in accordance with the Guidelines for Academic Integrity at the University of Connecticut. In mathematics, this means that all work that you turn in should be written up independently by you, in your own words, and should represent your honest understanding of the material. On exams and quizzes, it should be noted in particular that this means you must not consult any sources or materials: neighbors’ papers, calculators, and any notes, books, or electronic devices are off-limits. Violations of this policy may range from a zero on the assignment to a grade of F in the course. If you have questions about academic integrity or intellectual property, you should consult with your instructor. Additionally, consult UConn’s guidelines for academic integrity.

          The use of calculators, other outside resources, or collaboration with others are NOT allowed on quizzes and exams.

          How to Succeed in this Course

          1. Participate regularly for understanding, not just for credit.
          2. Schedule your study time each week! You are expected to spend a minimum of 16 hours per week working for a 4-credit course.
          3. Follow all the instructions provided on HuskyCT.
          4. Read the explanations and examples in the textbook.
          5. Do online homework, quizzes, and worksheets on time. Remember to follow these tips! WebAssign Tips.pdf.pdf
          6. Whenever possible attend C-Cube sessions (MONT 112 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm Tuesdays) with your instructors. You bring the calculus, and I will provide cookies and coffee!!!
            1. Regularly get help from Q Center.
            2. Engage with the instructor and TAs during their office hours. Do not let issues with understanding concepts in the course, accumulate over time. We are here to help you succeed, so come see us!!!!

            Getting Help:

            Outside of class time, you have lots of options for getting help with your homework and the concepts in the course:

            1. Your instructor’s office hours
            2. Your TA’s office hours
            3. The Q Center opens in Week 2 of the semester for free drop-in tutoring 6 days a week
            4. Weekly Problem sessions are held on Wednesdays – contact your TA or instructor or check HuskyCT for times and locations
            5. Calc Night begins in Week 3 of the semester, on Monday evenings from 6-8 pm in SCI1 G01

            Students with Disabilities:

            The University of Connecticut is committed to protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities and assuring that the learning environment is accessible.  If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability or pregnancy, please let me know immediately so that we can discuss options. Students who require accommodations should contact the Center for Students with Disabilities, Wilbur Cross Building Room 204, (860) 486-2020, or

            Resources for Students Experiencing Distress:

            The University of Connecticut is committed to supporting students in their mental health, their psychological and social well-being, and their connection to their academic experience and overall wellness. The university believes that academic, personal, and professional development can flourish only when each member of our community is assured equitable access to mental health services. The university aims to make access to mental health attainable while fostering a community reflecting equity and diversity and understands that good mental health may lead to personal and professional growth, greater self-awareness, increased social engagement, enhanced academic success, and campus and community involvement.

            Students who feel they may benefit from speaking with a mental health professional can find support and resources through the Student Health and Wellness-Mental Health (SHaW-MH) office located in Storrs on the main campus in the Arjona Building, 4th Floor. Through SHaW- MH, students can make an appointment with a mental health professional and engage in confidential conversations or seek recommendations or referrals for any mental health or psychological concern. Mental health services are included as part of the university’s student health insurance plan and partially funded through university fees. If you do not have UConn’s student health insurance plan, most major insurance plans are also accepted. Please visit or call (860) 486-4705 if you have questions.