Math 1131-Summer 2024


Description: This course is an introduction to differential and integral calculus, which is the mathematical language used in any science concerned with dynamically changing quantities. The main topics it covers are limits, derivatives, integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and some basic applications of these ideas.

Prerequisites: Passing score on the Math placement exam.


The textbook for the course is Calculus Early Transcendentals, Single Variable by James Stewart (8th Edition), which is bundled with a WebAssign code for doing online homework.

BUYING THE BOOK AND WEBASSIGN ACCESS CODE: you can buy the bundled version of Calculus Early Transcendentals, Single Variable by James Stewart (8th Edition) either at the UConn Bookstores. Both the text and the WebAssign code are required for this course. The unbundled version of the book (that is, the book without a WebAssign access code) can be obtained in many places, but the cost of buying the unbundled text and the WebAssign code separately may be significantly greater. How can you decide which version of the text to buy?

    • If you plan to take Math 1131 or Math 1131 and 1132 only, then you should purchase the single-variable version of the textbook.
    • If you plan to take Math 1131, 1132 and 2110, then you should purchase the heavier book Calculus Early Transcendentals by Stewart (8th Edition) that has chapters on multivariable calculus in the table of contents.
    • If you plan to take Differential Equations Math 2410, then you should buy the bundle with the three-semester calculus and one-semester differential equation book.

    We do not recommend buying the book (used separately) and the code separately as this will cost you more.


Homework (Extra credit optional):

Homework: To access the homework you will have to go through HuskyCT. In your account, you will find a link to do your homework using WebAssign. There will be homework assignments for each section of the text. Each assignment will be made available on WebAssign on the first day of the module. You will get five attempts for each question that is not multiple choice and fewer than five attempts for each multiple-choice question; the exact number of attempts will depend on the number of choices. After each attempt, you will be told whether your answer is correct or not. If you are not able to get the correct answer after your initial attempts, we recommend that you seek help from your instructor or TA through email, online office hours, or discussion forum before attempting to answer the problem again.

Extra credit will be assessed on the total number of homework completed and the scores on each will be weighed equally. A sliding scale will be used for the extra credit.

Warning: When accessing your online homework, use Firefox or Chrome as your browser; there are problems that can occur if you use Internet Explorer or Safari.


Exam information

There will be four exams, all taken online using the Respondus lockdown browser and Monitor in HuskyCT. Each exam is a multiple-choice (M/C) exam. The dates of the exam are given in the table below.  You will access your exams between 8.00 am and 8.00 pm EST.

  1. Those who have technology issues must start their exam and finish it during the regular 8.00 am to 4.00 pm where we can find IT support for you if you need it.
  2. I will not accept technology issues as an excuse for anyone taking the exam after 4.00 pm and running into tech issues that cannot be resolved because full IT support might not be available. 

You will have 75 minutes for each exam. 

Exam Corrections: Each student will have an opportunity to do exam corrections for the problems they get incorrect on the first three M/C exams. These corrections are to follow the protocol below.

  1. Write complete correct solutions for the problem you get wrong.
  2. Only and only if the entire solution is correct, you will receive half a point on that problem.
  3. No partial credit.
  4. The exam corrections must be uploaded in your own clear handwriting, within 24 hours after each exam. No late submissions will be accepted.


There are four worksheets, which need to be solved on paper and uploaded within HUSKY CT. These count towards 16% of the grade. The due dates are posted below.

Video Assignments:

You will be required to submit a video assignment on problems that you will solve on paper and record your process of solving the problems. These problems will be made available to you at the start of each module. Instructions on how to make the video and submitting it are in Husky CT. This assignment is 12% of your overall grade.

Discussion Board (Campuswire):

We will use Campuswire for the discussion board. All the instructions on how to use the discussion board have been posted in HuskyCT.  You can use this discussion board for any questions you may have on the content. These boards are a way to collaborate on homework questions, as well as questions you may have on the worksheets. The discussion board will be monitored by TAs and me periodically.  

Feedback and response:

You will get immediate feedback on your homework through WebAssign. For the worksheets that are submitted feedback will be given within 72 hours of the submission. Exam feedback will be given through announcements in HuskyCT. The response time for piazza discussion boards will vary depending on peer-to-peer discussions on topics and instructor feedback.  The instructor and TAs will answer emails between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm. On occasion, it is possible that they will answer emails after hours, but this should not be an expectation throughout the course.

Access to all the material for this course is through HuskyCT.


Homework (online) extra credit WebAssign   10%
Worksheet  Husky CT 16%
Upload 5 minutes video explanations Kaltura/HuskyCT 12%
Exam 1: 6/4/2024 Online   18%
Exam 2: 6/12/2024 Online   18%
Exam 3: 6/20/2024 Online   18%
Exam 4: 6/28/2024 Online 18%

Due dates:

No Video Assignment Worksheet Exam 
1 6/2/2024 6/3/2024 6/4/2024
2 6/10/2024 6/11/2024 6/12/2024
3 6/18/2024 6/19/2024 6/20/2024
4 6/26/2024 6/27/2024 6/28/2024


Makeup and late submission policy: In general, you will not be allowed to make up any exam, video assignment, or worksheet. In circumstances where you have a medical, family, or personal emergency that prevents you from submitting your work on time, proof in the form of a doctor’s note excusing you from work (because of a medical emergency), or an email from your parent (about family/personal emergency) will need to be provided.  If you are an athlete who will miss class time, worksheets, video assignments, or exams, you will need to ask your athletic advisor to send an email to your instructor and TA stating the circumstances for the absence.

Submitting the assignments late will have the following penalty.

24 hours late 10%

48 hours late 25%

72 hours late 50%

Beyond 3 days, there will be no credit given unless approved through prior correspondence with TA and or Instructor for reasons described above.

Zero Tolerance Policy

If a student is caught cheating on any of the assessment components whether it is a single homework, worksheet, campusewire, video assignment, or exam regardless of the weight of the assessment towards the final grade, the student shall receive an for the entire course and will be reported to the community standards office. No exceptions.

Academic Integrity/Misconduct.

  1. Academic misconduct is dishonest or unethical academic behavior that includes but is not limited to, misrepresenting mastery in an academic area (e.g., cheating), intentionally or knowingly failing to properly credit information, research, or ideas to their rightful originators or representing such information, research or ideas as your own (e.g., plagiarism). [Student Code of Conduct, Appendix A]
  2. Instructors shall take reasonable steps to prevent academic misconduct in their courses and to inform students of course-specific requirements. [Student Code of Conduct, Appendix A, Section A. Instructors Role]
  3. The definition of academic misconduct and how to report an incident can be found in the Academic Misconduct FAQ on the Community Standards website.
  4. Please review the entire website on Academic Integrity by clicking here.

How to study for this course

  1. Follow all the instructions provided in the learning modules on Husky ct.
  2. Read the explanations and examples in the textbook.
  3. Do online homework, worksheet, and discussion boards. Remember to follow these tips! WebAssign Tips

Grading Scale.

Grade Letter Grade GPA
93 -100 A 4.0
90.00-92.99 A- 3.7
87.00-89.99 B+ 3.3
83.00-86.99 B 3.0
80.00-82.99 B- 2.7
77.00-79.99 C+ 2.4
73.00-76.99 C 2.0
70.00-72.99 C- 1.7
67.00-69.99 D+ 1.4
63.00-66.99 D 1.0
60.00-62.99 D- 0.7
<60 F 0.0

Student Responsibilities and Resources

As a member of the University of Connecticut student community, you are held to certain standards and academic policies. In addition, there are numerous resources available to help you succeed in your academic work. Review these important standards, policies and resources, which include:

  • The Student Code
    • Academic Integrity
    • Resources on Avoiding Cheating and Plagiarism
  • Copyrighted Materials
  • Netiquette and Communication
  • Adding or Dropping a Course
  • Academic Calendar
  • Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Inappropriate Romantic Relationships
  • Sexual Assault Reporting Policy

Students with Disabilities

The University of Connecticut is committed to protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities and ensuring that the learning environment is accessible.  If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability or pregnancy, please let me know immediately so that we can discuss options. Students who require accommodations should contact the Center for Students with Disabilities, Wilbur Cross Building Room 204, (860) 486-2020 or
Blackboard measures and evaluates accessibility using two sets of standards: the WCAG 2.0 standards issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act issued in the United States federal government.” (Retrieved March 24, 2013 from Blackboard’s website)

Software/Technical Requirements (with Accessibility and Privacy Information)

The software/technical requirements for this course include:

NOTE: This course has NOT been designed for use with mobile devices.


Technical and Academic Help provides a guide to technical and academic assistance.

This course is completely facilitated online using the learning management platform, HuskyCT. If you have difficulty accessing HuskyCT, you have access to the in person/live person support options available during regular business hours through the Help Center.  You also have 24×7 Course Support including access to live chat, phone, and support documents.

Minimum Technical Skills

To be successful in this course, you will need the following technical skills:


  • Use electronic mail with attachments.
  • Save files in commonly used word processing program formats.
  • Copy and paste text, graphics or hyperlinks.
  • Work within two or more browser windows simultaneously.
  • Open and access PDF files.

University students are expected to demonstrate competency in Computer Technology. Explore the Computer Technology Competencies page for more information.

Evaluation of the Course

Students will be provided an opportunity to evaluate instruction in this course using the University’s standard procedures, which are administered by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE).

Additional informal formative surveys may also be administered within the course as an optional evaluation tool.